1 zero-frequency component
постоянная составляющая (тока)
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > zero-frequency component
2 zero-frequency component
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > zero-frequency component
3 zero-frequency component
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > zero-frequency component
4 zero-frequency component
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > zero-frequency component
5 zero-frequency component
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > zero-frequency component
6 zero-frequency component
English-Russian electronics dictionary > zero-frequency component
7 zero-frequency component
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > zero-frequency component
8 zero-frequency component
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > zero-frequency component
9 zero sequence component
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > zero sequence component
10 component
1) компонент, составная часть; элемент2) деталь; узел; комплектующее изделие3) составляющая, компонента; слагающая•components to be removed — узлы, подлежащие снятию-
ac component
active component
add-in component
add-on component
adhesion component of friction
air logic component
alternating component
anticlogging fuel oil component
antiknock component
aperiodic transient component
array component
audio component
axial component
backup component
base component
beam-lead component
bearing component
beat-moire components
blending component
bumped component
capacitive component
cationic coupling component
cationic diazo component
chip component
chrominance component
circuit component
color-difference component
complex 2 component
component of error
component of structure
component of variance
component of vector
contour milled component
contravariant component
covariant component
dc component
deformation component of friction
diazo coupling component
direct component
direct-axis component
discrete component
electric component
electrogenically inert component
electrogenically reactive component
electromagnetic component
electronic component
electrostatic component
error component
exchangeable components
faulty component
first component
force component
forced component
formed component
free component
frequency component
fundamental component
fundamental frequency component
hardware component
harmonic component
hybrid component
idle component
imaginary component
inductive component
in-phase component
integrated-circuit component
integrated component
in-vessel component
key machined components
linear component
load component
logic component
long-lived component
luminance component
magnetic component
magnetizing component
major components
mating component
moire components
mounting components
negative-phase-sequence component
negative-sequence component
nonlinear component
nuclear component
odor-producing component
off-the-shelf component
out-of-band components
out-of-phase component
parasitic component
passive component
plowing friction component
pneumatic console-mounted component
pneumatic enclosure-mounted component
pneumatic machine-mounted component
point-to-point NC component
positive-phase-sequence component
positive-sequence component
potted component
power component
primary tooling component
pulsating dc component
quadratic component
quadrature component
radio component
rail-mounted pneumatic component
reactive component
real component
reconditioned components
rectangular components
remanufactured components
residual component
resistive component
ripple component
rotating seal component
second component
short-lived component
sideband component
single component
sinusoidal component
software component
spurious component
stable component
stationary seal component
steady-state component
stress component
structural component
subsynchronous component
subtransient component
supercurrent component
symmetrical components
system's crucial components
tar-yielding components
thickness stress component
transient component
tribological component
turned component
undesired component
unidirectional component
unsupervised component
valve operating component
variable component
vibration frequency component
wattful component
wattless component
zero-phase-sequence component
zero-sequence component
zero-frequency component -
11 component
1) компонент; элемент2) составляющая; компонента•- component of tensor
- ac component
- acoustic-surface-wave component
- active component
- ActiveX component
- ActiveX server component
- added component
- add-on component
- alias component
- antl-Stokes component
- aperiodic component
- array component
- audio component
- axial component
- axial-lead component
- base component
- basic component
- beam-lead component
- binary logical component
- bubble memory component
- bumped component
- chip component
- chrominance component
- chrominance-signal component
- circuit component
- complex component
- connectivity components
- cryptographic system component
- cyclical component
- dc component
- delay component
- die component
- diffused component
- direct-axis component of current
- direct-axis component of magnetomotive force
- direct-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- direct-axis component of voltage
- discrete component
- dual-in-line package component
- electric component
- electronic component
- electrostatic component
- elementary potential digital computing components
- extraordinary-wave component
- film component
- fundamental component
- Gausslan component of noise
- harmonic component
- hybrid component
- I-components
- idle component
- imaginary component
- in-phase component
- inserted component
- integrated component
- integrated-circuit component
- irregular component
- luminance component
- magnetic component
- marginal component
- matrix component
- measurement component
- MEMS component
- MEMS-based component
- microelectromechanical system component
- microelectromechanical system-based component
- modular component
- multiplexed analog components
- ordinary-wave component
- orthogonal components
- out-of-phase component
- O-wave component
- packageless component
- parasitic component
- passive component
- pellet component - potted component
- pressurized component
- principal components
- printed component
- printed-circult component
- printed-on component
- Q-components
- quadrature component
- quadrature-axis component of current
- quadrature-axis component of magnetomotive force
- quadrature-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- quadrature-axis component of voltage
- radial component
- radial-lead component
- radio component
- radio-frequency component
- reactive component
- real component
- resin-cast component
- screened -component
- seasonal component
- side-band component
- smooth component
- solid-state component
- spurious component
- spurious-frequency component
- standard component
- Stokes component
- strongly connected components
- structural component
- supercurrent component
- surface mount component
- tangential component
- testable component
- thick-film component
- thin-film component
- trend component
- uncased component
- uncommitted component
- uniform component
- variable component
- vector components
- wattless component
- waveguide component
- X-wave component
- zero-frequency component -
12 component
1) компонент; элемент2) составляющая; компонента•- acoustic-surface-wave component
- active component
- ActiveX component
- ActiveX server component
- added component
- add-on component
- alias component
- antl-Stokes component
- aperiodic component
- array component
- audio component
- axial component
- axial-lead component
- base component
- basic component
- beam-lead component
- binary logical component
- bubble memory component
- bumped component
- chip component
- chrominance component
- chrominance-signal component
- circuit component
- complex component
- component of graph
- component of tensor
- connectivity components
- cryptographic system component
- cyclical component
- dc component
- delay component
- die component
- diffused component
- direct-axis component of current
- direct-axis component of magnetomotive force
- direct-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- direct-axis component of voltage
- discrete component
- dual-in-line package component
- electric component
- electronic component
- electrostatic component
- elementary potential digital computing components
- extraordinary-wave component
- film component
- fundamental component
- Gausslan component of noise
- harmonic component
- hybrid component
- I-components
- idle component
- imaginary component
- in-phase component
- inserted component
- integrated component
- integrated-circuit component
- irregular component
- luminance component
- magnetic component
- marginal component
- matrix component
- measurement component
- MEMS component
- MEMS-based component
- microelectromechanical system component
- microelectromechanical system-based component
- modular component
- multiplexed analog components
- ordinary-wave component
- orthogonal components
- out-of-phase component
- O-wave component
- packageless component
- parasitic component
- passive component
- pellet component
- plastic surface mount component
- plug-in component
- potted component
- pressurized component
- principal components
- printed component
- printed-circult component
- printed-on component
- Q-components
- quadrature component
- quadrature-axis component of current
- quadrature-axis component of magnetomotive force
- quadrature-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- quadrature-axis component of voltage
- radial component
- radial-lead component
- radio component
- radio-frequency component
- reactive component
- real component
- resin-cast component
- screened-component
- seasonal component
- side-band component
- smooth component
- solid-state component
- spurious component
- spurious-frequency component
- standard component
- Stokes component
- strongly connected components
- structural component
- supercurrent component
- surface mount component
- tangential component
- testable component
- thick-film component
- thin-film component
- trend component
- uncased component
- uncommitted component
- uniform component
- variable component
- vector components
- wattless component
- waveguide component
- X-wave component
- zero-frequency componentThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > component
13 frequency
1) частота
2) многократность
3) частотно
4) частотность
5) частотный
6) темп
– allocate frequency
– alternate frequency
– angular frequency
– antiresonance frequency
– antiresonant frequency
– assigned frequency
– audio frequency
– base frequency
– basic frequency
– beat frequency
– break frequency
– buoyancy frequency
– calling frequency
– carrier frequency
– cell frequency
– collision frequency
– commercial frequency
– component frequency
– conversion frequency
– critical frequency
– crossover frequency
– cutoff frequency
– cyclotron frequency
– difference frequency
– dot frequency
– driving frequency
– espected frequency
– field frequency
– fixed frequency
– flicker frequency
– formant frequency
– fractional frequency
– frame frequency
– free-running frequency
– frequency alignment
– frequency allocation
– frequency analysis
– frequency band
– frequency calibration
– frequency changer
– frequency channel
– frequency characteristic
– frequency code
– frequency compression
– frequency control
– frequency converter
– frequency correction
– frequency curve
– frequency departure
– frequency deviation
– frequency discrimination
– frequency distortion
– frequency distribution
– frequency diversity
– frequency divider
– frequency division
– frequency domain
– frequency doubler
– frequency drift
– frequency feedback
– frequency function
– frequency in pitch
– frequency in roll
– frequency interleaving
– frequency interpretation
– frequency isolation
– frequency jitter
– frequency jumping
– frequency limit
– frequency lock-in
– frequency mark
– frequency marker
– frequency match
– frequency meter
– frequency modulated
– frequency modulation
– frequency modulator
– frequency monitoring
– frequency multiplex
– frequency multiplication
– frequency multiplier
– frequency nominal
– frequency of event
– frequency polygon
– frequency pulling
– frequency range
– frequency ratio
– frequency response
– frequency selective
– frequency setting
– frequency shift
– frequency spacing
– frequency spectrum
– frequency splitting
– frequency spread
– frequency stability
– frequency stabilization
– frequency standard
– frequency synthesis
– frequency synthesizer
– frequency telegraphy
– frequency tolerance
– frequency transformation
– frequency transformer
– frequency translation
– frequency tripler
– frequency tuning
– frequency wobbling
– fundamental frequency
– genotype frequency
– harmonic frequency
– heterodyne frequency
– high frequency
– hold on to frequency
– hypersonic frequency
– idler frequency
– image frequency
– increase the frequency
– infrasonic frequency
– injection frequency
– instantaneous frequency
– intermediate frequency
– ion plasma frequency
– Larmor frequency
– laser frequency
– line frequency
– lock on frequency
– lowest-useful frequency
– magnetoplasma frequency
– marking frequency
– maser frequency
– master frequency
– modulating frequency
– modulation frequency
– multiple frequency
– multiplier of frequency
– natural frequency
– network frequency
– non-dimensional frequency
– operation frequency
– oscillation frequency
– oscillator frequency
– pedestal frequency
– penetration frequency
– picture frequency
– pilot frequency
– pitch frequency
– plasma frequency
– precessional frequency
– pump frequency
– quench frequency
– radio frequency
– rated frequency
– relative frequency
– repetition frequency
– resonance frequency
– resonant frequency
– ripple frequency
– scan frequency
– scanning frequency
– scattering frequency
– screen frequency
– set up fixed frequency
– set up frequency
– side frequency
– signal frequency
– slip frequency
– spacing frequency
– spatial frequency
– standard frequency
– Stokes frequency
– straight-line frequency
– subcarrier frequency
– subsonic frequency
– sum frequency
– superhigh frequency
– switching frequency
– synchronous frequency
– threshold frequency
– tracking frequency
– translate frequency
– tune to frequency
– ultra-high frequency
– ultrasonic frequency
– vibration frequency
– voice frequency
– wave frequency
– working frequency
– zero frequency
additive frequency mixing — преобразование частоты аддитивное
amplitude frequency distortion — амплитудно-частотное искажение
automatic frequency control — частотная АПЧ, автоматическая настройка частоты
automatic frequency unloading — разгрузка автоматическая частотная
carrier frequency system — система передачи с частотным разделением каналов
commutator-type frequency converter — коллекторный преобразователь частот
compensation frequency telegraphy — телеграфирование частотное компенсационное
compound frequency distribution — <math.> плотность распределения осредненная
decibel-log frequency characteristic — логарифмическая амплитудно-частотная характеристика
flatness of a frequency curve — сглаженность кривой плотности
frequency compensated amplifier — усилитель корректированный
frequency deviation meter — <tech.> стабилометр частоты
frequency domain spectroscopy — спектроскопия стационарная, спектроскопия частотная
frequency force factor — <electr.> коэффициент силовой частоты
kurtosis of a frequency curve — эксцесс плотности распределения
kurtosis of frequency curve — эксцесс плотности распределения
molecular rotation frequency — вращательная частота молекулы
moment of a frequency distributi — момент распределения вероятности
multiple-position frequency telegraphy — телеграфия частотная многопозиционная
operation frequency range — рабочий диапазон частот прибора СВЧ
parasite frequency modulation — паразитная частотная модуляция
roll-off of frequency response — завал частотной характеристики
signal increases in frequency — сигнал увеличивается по частоте
static frequency converter — статический преобразователь частоты
subcarrier frequency modulation — частотная модуляция с поднесущей
thyratron frequency changer — тиратронный преобразователь частоты
time-sharing two frequency laser — лазер с попеременной генерацией двух частот
transient frequency jitter — < radio> дергание частоты
valve-type frequency converter — вентильный преобразователь частоты
variable frequency oscillator — генератор плавного диапазона
14 zero phase-sequence reactance
реактивное сопротивление нулевой последовательности
zero sequence reactance
the quotient of the reactive fundamental component of zero sequence armature voltage, due to the presence of fundamental zero sequence armature current at rated frequency, by the value of that component of current, the machine running at rated speed
[IEV ref 411-50-16]FR
réactance homopolaire
quotient du terme fondamental de la composante réactive de la tension d'induit homopolaire, due à la présence du terme fondamental du courant d'induit homopolaire à fréquence assignée, par cette composante du courant, la machine tournant à sa vitesse assignée
[IEV ref 411-50-16]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > zero phase-sequence reactance
15 zero sequence reactance
реактивное сопротивление нулевой последовательности
zero sequence reactance
the quotient of the reactive fundamental component of zero sequence armature voltage, due to the presence of fundamental zero sequence armature current at rated frequency, by the value of that component of current, the machine running at rated speed
[IEV ref 411-50-16]FR
réactance homopolaire
quotient du terme fondamental de la composante réactive de la tension d'induit homopolaire, due à la présence du terme fondamental du courant d'induit homopolaire à fréquence assignée, par cette composante du courant, la machine tournant à sa vitesse assignée
[IEV ref 411-50-16]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > zero sequence reactance
16 постоянная составляющая
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > постоянная составляющая
17 voltage
1) напряжение, разность потенциалов2) потенциал3) электродвижущая сила, эдс•voltage across smth — напряжение на чем-л.;voltage applied to smth — напряжение, приложенное к чему-л.;voltage between phases — междуфазное [линейное\] напряжение;voltage to earth [to ground\] — напряжение относительно земли;to handle voltage — выдерживать напряжение;-
ac voltage
accelerating voltage
active component voltage
active voltage
actuating voltage
adjusting voltage
aging voltage
allowable voltage
alternating voltage
alternator field voltage
anode voltage
applied voltage
arc voltage
arc-drop voltage
arcing voltage
arc-stream voltage
average voltage
back voltage
background ionization voltage
backward voltage
balanced voltage
balancing voltage
bandgap voltage
barrier voltage
bar-to-bar voltage
base voltage
battery voltage
bias voltage
bidirectional voltage
black-out voltage
blanking voltage
blocking voltage
branch voltage
breakdown voltage
breakover voltage
bridge supply voltage
bucking voltage
built-in voltage
burning voltage
burnout voltage
bus voltage
calibration voltage
capacitor voltage
carrier voltage
category voltage
catenary voltage
cathode voltage
ceiling voltage
cell voltage
charge voltage
circuit voltage
clamp voltage
clock voltage
closed-circuit voltage
commercial-frequency voltage
commercial-frequency withstand voltage
common-mode voltage
commutating voltage
commutator voltage
compensating voltage
complex voltage
component voltage
constant voltage
contact voltage
control voltage
convergence voltage
corona voltage
corona-onset voltage
counter voltage
crest voltage
critical corona voltage
critical visual corona voltage
critical voltage
current-noise voltage
current-resistance voltage
cutoff voltage
cycling voltage
dc recovery voltage
dc voltage
decelerating voltage
decomposition voltage
deflecting voltage
delta voltage
design voltage
dielectric breakdown voltage
direct voltage
direct-axis component voltage behind transient reactance
direct-axis subtransient internal voltage
direct-axis subtransient voltage
direct-axis synchronous internal voltage
direct-axis synchronous voltage
direct-axis transient internal voltage
direct-axis transient voltage
discharge extinction voltage
discharge inception voltage
discharge ionization voltage
discharge voltage
disruptive discharge voltage
disruptive voltage
dissymmetrical voltage
disturbance voltage
driving voltage
drop-away voltage
dry withstand voltage
effective voltage
electric cell voltage
electrode voltage
end voltage
end-point voltage
equilibrium voltage
equivalent input noise voltage
error voltage
excess voltage
excitation voltage
exciter voltage
extinction voltage
extinguishing voltage
extrahigh voltage
Faraday voltage
fatal voltage
feedback voltage
field voltage
filament voltage
final acceleration voltage
final voltage
fire-back voltage
firing voltage
flash test voltage
flashover voltage
floating voltage
flyback voltage
focusing voltage
focus voltage
formation voltage
forward voltage
gas-discharge maintaining voltage
gate nontrigger voltage
gate trigger voltage
gate turn-off voltage
gate voltage
gating voltage
generated voltage
generator voltage
glow-discharge sustaining voltage
grid driving voltage
ground voltage
Hall voltage
heater voltage
high voltage
high-level voltage
ignition voltage
impedance voltage
impressed voltage
impulse testing voltage
impulse voltage
impulse withstand voltage
induced body voltage
induced voltage
inductance voltage
initial ionization voltage
initial voltage
injected voltage
in-phase voltage
input voltage
instantaneous voltage
interference voltage
internal voltage
inverse voltage
ionizing voltage
junction voltage
keep-alive voltage
lagging voltage
leading voltage
leakage reactance voltage
leakage voltage
lightning impulse flashover voltage
lightning impulse voltage
lightning impulse withstanding voltage
lightning induced voltage
limit voltage
limiting voltage
line voltage
linearity trim voltage
line-to-earth voltage
line-to-line voltage
loading voltage
load voltage
locked rotor voltage
locking voltage
logic threshold voltage
low voltage
low-level voltage
mains voltage
maintaining voltage
maximum operating voltage
maximum-power-point voltage
medium voltage
modulation voltage
negative phase-sequence voltage
negative sequence voltage
net voltage
neutral-to-ground voltage
nodal voltage
noise voltage
no-load field voltage
no-load voltage
nominal excitation ceiling voltage
nominal voltage
normal voltage
off-load voltage
offset voltage
off-standard voltage
off-state voltage
one-minute test voltage
one-minute withstand voltage
on-load voltage
on-state voltage
open-circuit secondary voltage
open-circuit voltage
operate voltage
operating supply voltage
operating voltage
out-of-phase voltage
output voltage
pace voltage
partial discharge extinction voltage
partial discharge inception voltage
peak arc voltage
peak reverse voltage
peak voltage
peak-point voltage
peak-to-peak ripple voltage
peak-to-peak voltage
per unit voltage
periodic voltage
permissible voltage
phase voltage
phase-to-ground voltage
phase-to-phase voltage
pickup voltage
pinch-off voltage
plate voltage
polarization voltage
positive-phase-sequence voltage
positive-sequence voltage
power-frequency voltage
preset voltage
presparkover voltage
primary voltage
probe voltage
protection voltage
psophometric voltage
pull-in voltage
pull-out voltage
pulsating voltage
pulse breakdown voltage
pulse noise voltage
punch-through voltage
puncture voltage
quadrature-axis component voltage behind transient reactance
quadrature-axis subtransient internal voltage
quadrature-axis subtransient voltage
quadrature-axis synchronous internal voltage
quadrature-axis synchronous voltage
quadrature-axis transient internal voltage
quadrature-axis transient voltage
quiescent input voltage
quiescent output voltage
radio interference voltage
rated impulse withstand voltage
rated temperature-rise voltage
rated voltage
reach-through voltage
reactance voltage
receiver voltage
receiving-end voltage
recovery voltage
rectified voltage
reduced voltage
reference voltage
reignition voltage
release voltage
repetitive voltage
residual voltage
resistance voltage
resonance voltage
response voltage
restoring voltage
restraining voltage
restriking voltage
reverse voltage
ring voltage
ring-to-ring voltage
ripple voltage
root-mean-square voltage
running voltage
safety extralow voltage
saturation voltage
sawtooth voltage
secondary voltage
self-induction voltage
sending-end voltage
sense voltage
service voltage
shift voltage
shock voltage
short-circuit voltage
shorting voltage
shot-noise voltage
signal voltage
sine-curve voltage
sine voltage
sine-wave voltage
sinusoidal voltage
slip-ring voltage
smoothed dc voltage
source voltage
spark-gap breakdown voltage
sparking voltage
sparkover voltage
speed-induced voltage
speed voltage
spot cutoff voltage
square-wave voltage
stabilized voltage
standard voltage
star voltage
starting voltage
static breakdown voltage
station auxiliaries voltage
steady-state voltage
step voltage
stray voltage
striking voltage
subtransient internal voltage
subtransient voltage
superimposed voltage
supply voltage
supply-line voltage
surge voltage
sustaining voltage
sweep voltage
swing voltage
switching surge voltage
switching voltage
symmetrical voltage
synchronous generator internal voltage
synchronous generator voltage
system voltage
tank voltage
tapping voltage
temperature voltage
terminal voltage
testing voltage
test voltage
thermal noise voltage
thermocouple voltage
thermoelectric voltage
threshold voltage
tooth voltage
touch voltage
transient internal voltage
transient recovery voltage
transient voltage
transmission-line voltage
trigger voltage
tuning voltage
turnoff voltage
ultor voltage
ultrahigh voltage
unbalanced voltage
unidirectional voltage
upper voltage
variable voltage
welding voltage
welding-arc voltage
wet switching surge withstand voltage
wet withstand voltage
withstanding voltage
withstand voltage
working voltage
zener voltage
zero-phase-sequence voltage
zero-sequence voltage -
18 meter
1) метр2) измерительный прибор, измеритель || измерять, мерить, замерять3) счётчик4) дозатор•to meter in — регулировать объём на входе;-
absorption frequency meter
ac meter
acoustic current meter
active energy meter
activity meter
admittance meter
airflow meter
air meter
all-purpose meter
alpha meter
alpha survey meter
altitude meter
ampere-hour meter
analog meter
angle meter
apparent energy meter
atrain meter
attenuation meter
audio level meter
audio-frequency meter
audio-noise meter
automatic noise figure meter
autoranging meter
backscatter nuclear density meter
backscatter nuclear moisture meter
badge meter
batch meter
battery meter
bellow gas meter
beta survey meter
B-H meter
body tilt meter
brightness meter
Btu meter
bypasswater meter
bypass meter
call-count meter
calometric gas meter
candle power meter
capacitance capacity meter
capacitance meter
cavity frequency meter
circuit noise meter
clamp-on meter
clip-on meter
coaxial-line frequency meter
coercive force meter
contamination meter
correlation meter
coulomb meter
counting-rate meter
counting-type frequency meter
course meter
cup-type meter
current meter
curve-drawing meter
cycloidal gas meter
dc meter
decibel meter
demand meter
density meter
depth meter
detonation meter
dew-point meter
dew-point moisture meter
dielectric-type moisture meter
differential pressure meter
digital meter
digital panel meter
digital Z meter
dip meter
direct-reading meter
distance meter
distortion factor meter
distortion meter
dosage meter
dose meter
double-rate meter
double-tariff meter
downhole oil gravity-gas content-volume ratio meter
draft meter
drift meter
dry gas meter
dual meter
dwell meter
earth resistance meter
edgewise meter
elbow meter
electric field meter
electric hour meter
electric power meter
electrical meter
electric meter
electricity meter
electrodynamic meter
electrolytic meter
electromagnetic current meter
electromagnetic interference meter
electromagnetic meter
electromechanical frequency meter
electronic moisture meter
elevation meter
energy meter
envelope delay meter
exposure meter
exposure rate meter
fallout meter
ferrodynamic meter
field-intensity meter
field-strength meter
flow meter
flow rate meter
fluid meter
fluidity meter
flux meter
flux-gate meter
foot-candle meter
forward scatter visibility meter
fountain-pen-type dose meter
frequency deviation meter
frequency meter
frequency modulation meter
frequency-indicating meter
fuel-flow meter
G.-M. meter
gamma meter
gamma survey meter
gas meter
gas volume meter
generating electric field meter
gravity meter
grid-dip meter
hardness meter
haze meter
head meter
heat meter
hook-on meter
hot-wire air flow meter
hot-wire meter
house service meter
humidity meter
hydraulic flow meter
hysteresis meter
illumination meter
impedance meter
impeller current meter
impulse meter
inductance meter
induction flow meter
induction-type meter
infrared moisture meter
in-line meter
instrument test meter
insulation-resistance meter
integrating electricity meter
integrating light meter
integrating meter
ion meter
iron-vane meter
lambda meter
laminar flow meter
laser-Doppler current meter
layer thickness meter
leakage meter
level meter
light meter
light-intensity meter
lightning-current meter
linear meter
liquid displacement meter
loss meter
luminance meter
lux meter
Mach meter
magnetic potential meter
magnetic-field meter
magnetic meter
magnetic-vane meter
mass-flow meter
maximum-demand meter
maxwell meter
megohm meter
methane meter
microwave power meter
milliohm meter
moisture meter
motor meter
moving-coil meter
moving-iron meter
multiple purpose meter
multiprobe ionization meter
multirange meter
multirate meter
multistator watt-hour meter
neutron soil moisture meter
noise-level meter
noise meter
noise-temperature meter
nuclear density meter
nuclear level meter
nuclear moisture meter
null meter
oil meter
orifice meter
output power meter
panel meter
parking meter
peak program meter
pendulum-type current meter
penny-in-the-slot meter
permanent-magnet meter
pH meter
phase-angle meter
phase meter
photoelectric exposure meter
photoelectric meter
photographic exposure meter
pivoted flap flow meter
pocket meter
polyphase meter
portable hydraulic flow meter
portable meter
power meter
power-factor meter
prepayment electricity meter
prepayment meter
pressure meter
printing meter
profile meter
profiling current meter
propeller meter
propeller milk meter
propeller-type meter
proportional gas meter
proportioning meter
Pygmy meter
quality-factor meter
quotient meter
radiation balance meter
radiation meter
radio-noise meter
rate meter
ratio meter
reactance meter
reactive volt-ampere meter
reactive volt-ampere-hour meter
reactive-energy meter
reactive-power meter
readout meter
recording depth meter
recording meter
reed frequency meter
residential meter
resistance meter
resistance-type moisture meter
resistivity meter
resonant frequency meter
revolution meter
rf level meter
roentgen rate meter
rotary gas meter
rotor current meter
running meter
salinity meter
salt meter
selective ion meter
self-recording current meter
service meter
setup scale meter
shape meter
sinad meter
single-phase meter
slip meter
soap film meter
solid-state meter
sound-level meter
standard meter
standing-wave meter
steam-consumption meter
steam-flow meter
sulfur meter
summation meter
suppressed-zero meter
survey meter
switchboard meter
thermal electric meter
thermal meter
Thomson meter
three-axis current meter
three-phase meter
tide meter
torque meter
torsion meter
transmission nuclear density meter
transmission nuclear moisture meter
transmittance meter
transparency meter
trim meter
tuning meter
two-rate meter
var-hour meter
vector-averaging current meter
velocity-type meter
Ventury meter
vibrating-reed frequency meter
vibration meter
visibility meter
visual exposure meter
voltage meter
voltage standing-wave-ratio meter
volt-ampere meter
volt-ampere-hour meter
volt-ohm meter
volt-ohm-milliampere meter
water meter
watercut meter
water-sealed gas meter
watt-hour meter
wattless component meter
wave meter
wet gas meter
wind meter
wing current meter
Z meter
zero-center meter
zeta meter -
19 test
1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль; тестирование; опробование;см. тж. testing/ испытывать; проверять; контролировать; тестировать; опробовать2. тест; проба3. критерий; признакaccelerate-stop testsaccelerated mission testacceleration-deceleration testaerobatic flight testsaeroelastic testsagility testair resonance testair-to-air testair-to-air combat testairframe testairspeed calibration testall-attitude flight testasymmetric loads testsasymmetric wing sweep flight testsauto-guidance testsbefore-flight-rated testsbench testbiaxial fatigue testbird impact testbird ingestion testbird strike testbird strike testsburn-in testburst pressure testcatapult testscentrifugal load testcentrifuge testsclean configuration testclosed-loop testcockpit workload testcombined-systems testscompatibility testcomponent testscompression testcomputer-aided testconstant amplitude testcontinued takeoff testscontrol testconvergence testcooling testcrack-detection testscrash testcreep testcrush testscyclic testsdamage tolerance testdamage resistance testdeparture testdepressed-trajectory testdestruction testdevelopment testsdivergence testsdual-frequency testdurability testdynamometer testselectromagnetic interference testselectromagnetic-vulnerability testemergency survival testEMI testsendurance testengine reingestion testenvironmental testexploratory testsfatigue testflammability testflaps up landing testsflexure testflight clearance testflight simulation testsflight-by-flight fatigue testflight simulation fatigue testsflow field testsflow visualization testsflutter testflutter-proof testsflyover testsforce testsforced oscillation testsforeign object damage testfree oscillation testsfree spinning facility testsfree-flight testfree-to-roll testsfrequency response testsfrequency-sweep testfuel runout testfull-scale testground effect testground resonance testhandling qualities testshard-ride testheat testsheavyweight testhigh-angle-of-attack testshigh-alpha testhover testshover in-ground-effect testhover-in-ground testhovering testshumidity testsicing testimpact testin-plant testsinput-to-output testsiron bird testslanding testlanding flap testslife roll testlimit cycle testslimited-envelope flight testload-deflection testlogic testlow-observability testmaneuvering testsmanual flight testsmodal testmodal survey testmode interaction testsmodel tests of airfoilsmoire interferometry testsnoise testnondestructive testnormal takeoff testsNyquist stability testopen-loop testsoperability testoscillatory testsoverland testsoxygen testsperformance testpilot-in-loop testsplenum-chamber burning testspost-flight testpreflight testpressure testpressurization testproof-lood testproof-of-concept testsradar cross-section testradiographic testrain testramp testsrate of climb testrejected takeoff testreliability testremote-site testrepair testresidual strength testresonance testsreverse-thrust testsrig testrobustness testroll-on-rim testrolling testrotary-balance testsrough ground profile testshake testshakedown testshear testsideslip testssimulation verification testsimulator testsmall-scale testsmoke testspin testsspray ingestion teststability teststall testsstatic testsstatic strength teststeady rolling testssteady state teststealth teststiffness teststore compatibility teststrength testsstructural testssupercritical testsystem integration testtail on/off teststakeoff testtaxy testtensile testtension testtethered testtowing testtransfer function testsvalidation testsvectored thrust testvibration testvulnerability testwater-tank testwaveoff testswheel testwhirl testwind blast testwind tunnel testwing-fatigue testwingborne mode flight testyaw oscillation testszero-speed-zero-altitude testzero-zero test -
20 subtransient reactance of neutral-phase
реактивное сопротивление нулевой последовательности
zero sequence reactance
the quotient of the reactive fundamental component of zero sequence armature voltage, due to the presence of fundamental zero sequence armature current at rated frequency, by the value of that component of current, the machine running at rated speed
[IEV ref 411-50-16]FR
réactance homopolaire
quotient du terme fondamental de la composante réactive de la tension d'induit homopolaire, due à la présence du terme fondamental du courant d'induit homopolaire à fréquence assignée, par cette composante du courant, la machine tournant à sa vitesse assignée
[IEV ref 411-50-16]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > subtransient reactance of neutral-phase
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Frequency — For other uses, see Frequency (disambiguation). Three cyclically flashing lights, from lowest frequency (top) to highest frequency (bottom). f is the frequency in hertz (Hz), meaning the number of cycles per second. T is the period in seconds (s) … Wikipedia
Frequency mixer — This article is about non linear mixing operating in the frequency domain. For other types of mixers, see electronic mixer. Frequency Mixer Symbol. In electronics a mixer or frequency mixer is a nonlinear electrical circuit that creates new… … Wikipedia
Frequency counter — A frequency counter is an electronic instrument, or component of one, that is used for measuring frequency. Since frequency is defined as the number of events of a particular sort occurring in a set period of time, measuring it is usually… … Wikipedia
Negative frequency — The concept of negative and positive frequency can be as simple as a wheel rotating one way or the other way.[citation needed] A signed value of frequency indicates both the rate and direction of rotation.[citation needed] The rate is expressed… … Wikipedia
Principal component analysis — PCA of a multivariate Gaussian distribution centered at (1,3) with a standard deviation of 3 in roughly the (0.878, 0.478) direction and of 1 in the orthogonal direction. The vectors shown are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix scaled by… … Wikipedia
Nyquist frequency — Not to be confused with Nyquist rate. Frequencies above ƒs/2 (the Nyquist frequency) have an alias below ƒs/2, whose value is given by this graph. ƒs/2 is also called folding frequency, because of the symmetry between 0 and ƒs. The Nyquist… … Wikipedia
Cutoff frequency — This article is about signal processing. For other uses, see Cutoff (disambiguation). Magnitude transfer function of a bandpass filter with lower 3 dB cutoff frequency f1 and upper 3dB cutoff frequency f2 … Wikipedia
Return-to-zero — (RZ) describes a line code used in telecommunications signals in which the signal drops (returns) to zero between each pulse. This takes place even if a number of consecutive 0 s or 1 s occur in the signal. The signal is self clocking. This means … Wikipedia
Superconducting Radio Frequency — (SRF) science and technology involves the application of electrical superconductors to radio frequency devices. The ultra low electrical loss of the superconductor yields RF resonators with extremely high quality factors, or Q . For example, it… … Wikipedia
Capacitor (component) — Practical capacitors are often classified according to the material used as the dielectric, with the dielectrics divided into two broad categories: bulk insulators and metal oxide films (so called electrolytic capacitors ). Capacitor… … Wikipedia
Peripheral Component Interconnect — Infobox Computer Hardware Bus name = PCI fullname = peripheral component interconnection caption = Five 5V 32 bit PCI expansion slots on a motherboard invent date = July 1993 invent name = Intel super date = 2004 super name = PCI Express width =… … Wikipedia